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Title: The Giver

 Author: Lois Lowry                                         

Genre: Speculative Fiction

            In the beginning of the book it is a special year for Jonas. He is becoming a twelve. At the ceremony he was selected to be the new Receiver. Jonas finds out that the Receiver gets memories from the past and plays an important role in the community. He gets to know more about the community.

            Is the community as perfect as it sounds? I think it isn’t. As Jonas continues his job he starts to learn that the community isn’t as perfect as he thought. He learns that the people sacrifice too much…like colors. One day he asks the Giver about Release and gets to watch this terrible event. Suddenly he realizes that the people don’t get to have feelings also they don’t get to choose anything. For example their jobs, children, and spouses. I don’t think that that is fair also for the community to live memory free they give all the good and bad memories to one person,

            I loved this book! It was so interesting to me and I liked how Jonas got to be in the memories. I also liked that they included the baby Gabriel. I didn’t like that when they had problems they release the people.  I really liked the ceremonies that they did. I disliked the war memory. I loved when Jonas saw the color changes. I hated that the kids, jobs, and spouses where chosen for the people and I also thought that it wasn’t fair that the kids couldn’t get there own bikes until they were nine. I would rate this book at five stars because I thought it was a very enjoyable book and I would recommend this book to a person who wants a good book to read or wants to know what the future might be like.